英国新闻听力 最新发展(在线收听



ripple n. 波纹

scanner n. 扫描仪

plug v. 插入

intimately adv. 亲密地,紧密地,内部地

odour n. 气味,味道

gadget n. 仪器,设计精巧的小机械

bum n. 游手好闲者

recognizable adj. 可公认的,可认同的

potential adj. 可能的,具有可能性的

wary adj. 小心谨慎的,留神的

Latest Developments

THE HOST: This is Culture Shock from the BBC and here are some of the new cultural ripples that have crossed our scanners this week. One of the latest inventions to come from Japan we are told are USB-powered air-conditioned clothes. You can plug them in to your USB port in your computer and that powers two small fans inside your clothing. Apparently you can adjust the fan speed. We are indeed becoming more intimately connected to our computers.

And while we are talking about Japanese high technology, engineers in Tokyo are building an odour recorder to record smells and play them back later. Apparently you point the gadget at a freshly baked biscuit, to take one example, the machine will analyse its odour and chemically reproduce it which sounds a great idea but I think why not just eat another biscuit.

And finally a rather uncomfortable one from the United States. They have started to use homeless people to wear adverts. The homeless in America are called 'bums'. They are basically paid to wear the adverts in traffic jams where they just sit by the side of the road. There is even a website if you want to check out this extraordinary development called 'bumvertising.com' Check that out.

Sarah, what do you think of 'bumvertising'?

SARAH: I'm really quite appalled by the idea of 'bumvertising'. I mean I would like to know how much they have been paid.

THE HOST: You might not like the idea of 'bumvertising', Sarah, but does it represent a trend that is recognizable elsewhere?

SARAH: Well possibly because there is this idea that people are soon going to be able to sell advertising either about their person or on a personal belonging. So I mean people already do it on the side of their cars but to actually have designated to the advertising space on things like your car, your home, your garage, your clothing, and you know then you can sell it so there is potential for that. But I think we need to be wary when we're using all surfaces for advertising.

THE HOST: There you are. You heard it here. The latest version of the man with the sandwich board, the man 'bumvertising'.









