英国新闻听力 第一代游戏(在线收听



joystick n. 操纵杆

rectangle n. 长方形,矩形

novelty n. 新颖,新奇,新鲜,新奇的事物

addiction n. 沉溺,上瘾

arcade n. 游乐中心以一排排投币式游戏机为特征的商业机构

plugged adj. 塞紧的

rip v. 撕,剥,裂开,撕裂

jelly n. 果子冻,一种果冻甜品

enthralling adj. 迷人的

First Generation Gaming

Announcer: So our walk through the world of gaming starts here. We are sitting comfortably and reaching for the start button here at London's Science Museum where 40 years of computer game history is laid out before our very joysticks. We're at the Game On Exhibition here and who better to dive into it all with than David Braeburn. Now David, you are a game designer of 25 years standing and hard core gamers will know your name. You're the person, or one of the people, behind the Elite game which was a massive hit in the mid-1980s. But we are going to roll the story back even before then back to the days of Pong which is what we are standing in front of here, isn't it?

David: Many of you will have seen the Pong game where essentially a single rectangle moves up and down where a ball bounces off it, or a pair of them so two people can play against each other.

Announcer: But it's special really because I suppose … would you say it was the first ever computer game?

David: It's certainly the one that went out to more than a few dozen people. I think the novelty factor was what drove it a lot. And I think there was an addiction. It was very different to what people had played before. Shortly after the Pong which is literally an arcade game, there were many other games like it that actually went into the home and plugged into TV sets. It fathered a whole generation of those, games like Pong, Break out, and then not long after Space Invaders which is probably the one that popularised it a lot more than Pong.

Announcer: Speaking of which, let's go and see Space Invaders and for me this is like revisiting an old friend, David. We're walking through the Game On Exhibition here through a kind of arcade that they have created for this exhibition and here we are at one of the kind of early, not earliest by a long way … but early arcade game and here it is Space Invaders. It's so good to see it again.

David: It's amazing. I remember first seeing it and being very excited by it. It was also the first time they had colour and they managed to do that by having coloured overlays over parts of the screen. So although the game was essentially black and white, you had this sort of colour film across the top on some of the cabinets, not all of them. So it looked colourful. It really is a very, very simple game but I think to be honest this is the first of the more addictive games, the more compelling games because you had the progression, it was quite hard when they started moving quite quickly.

Announcer: So Space Invaders the game whose sound defined a thousand bars and pubs around the world. But where you find space invaders, surely David we're going to find Pac Man as well.

David: Yeah, shortly after Space Invaders, at least for me, there was then quite a proliferation, Pac Man was probably the most obvious, Asteroids, Galaxian, and, you know, you'd go to any fish 'n' chips shop and there would be an arcade cabinet.

Announcer: And seeing Pac Man which for the purposes of this exhibition they've projected onto one of the walls here and it reminds me of those, if you like, Pac Man rip offs that used to be around at the time. I had a Komodor Vic 20 in the early '80s and I think the Pac Man equivalent of that computer was jelly monsters and we got that because we couldn't afford the proper Pac Man. It was just as enthralling.

David: Yes, there was an astonishing range of that. Similarly in the arcades there were all sorts of spin offs. I remember Snapper on the BBC Micro which was great and very, very similar to the original.










播音员:让我们来看看小精灵吧,为了这次展会,工作人员还专门把它贴在了一堵墙上,这让我想起了--如果你也喜欢那些海报的话--当时极其盛行的小精灵海报偷窃事件。我有一个80年代早期的Komodor Vic 20的模型,我觉得与这个电脑游戏同样价格的小精灵只有果冻怪物,但我们实在买不起那些严格意义上的小精灵--它们是如此的迷人。

