新奇事件簿 数千人呼吁穆加贝辞职(在线收听

There could be a big change in Zimbabwe. Thousands of people are in the streets asking for President Robert Mugabe to resign. The army removed President Mugabe from power on Wednesday. It was angry after Mr Mugabe fired his deputy president. This meant his wife, Grace Mugabe, could have been in line to take over as president. The army did not like this and took control of the capital city. The army said it wanted to remove the "criminals" around Mr Mugabe. Members of Mr Mugabe's ruling Zanu-PF party are calling for Mr Mugabe to step down as president. Even veterans of Zimbabwe's war for independence are saying Mr Mugabe should quit. They were among Mugabe's most loyal supporters.

津巴布韦将发生重大变动。数千人走上街头,要求总统穆加贝辞职。周三,军队把穆加贝总统赶下台。穆加贝解雇副总统引发了愤怒。这意味着他的妻子格雷丝·穆加贝(Grace Mugabe)将接替他的职位成为总统。军队不希望这种情况发生,控制了首都所在城市。军方表示,他们希望铲除穆加贝周围的罪犯。穆加贝所在执政党非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线(ZANU–PF)成员要求穆加贝辞去总统职位。甚至津巴布韦独立战争的老兵也表示,穆加贝应该下台了。他们是穆加贝最忠诚的支持者。

Robert Mugabe is 93 years old and is the oldest leader of any country in the world. He became the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe in 1980 and then became President in 1987. He has stayed in power for 37 years. Mr Mugabe was an important figure in Zimbabwe's fight for independence. Zimbabwe used to be called Rhodesia and was a British colony. Mugabe was a key part of the 1965-1980 civil war against British rule. This war lead to elections in 1980. Robert Mugabe and the Zanu party won the elections by a landslide. Many people are now happy his time as leader is coming to an end. One street protestor, Frank Mutsindikwa, 34, said: "I've been waiting all my life for this day. Free at last. We are free at last."

穆加贝已经93岁高龄,是世界上所有国家最年长的领袖。他在1980年成为津巴布韦总理,随后在1987年成为总统。他已经执政37年的时间。穆加贝是津巴布韦独立战争的重要人物。津巴布韦过去被称为罗得西亚,曾是英国的殖民地。穆加贝是1965年至1980年间反抗英国统治的内战的关键人物。这次战争导致1980年的选举。穆加贝和非洲民族联盟以压倒性优势赢得了选举。许多人现在很高兴穆加贝担任领导的时代终于要结束。其中一名34岁的街头抗议者Frank Mutsindikwa表示:“我一生都在等待这一天。终于自由了。我们终于自由了。”
