澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 朝鲜再射导弹失败告终 叙利亚撤离人员车队遇袭(在线收听

Hello, Gemma Veness with the top stories on ABC News.


Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have risen another notch, after the North made a botched attempt at launching a ballistic missile. The misfire happened less than 24 hours after Pyongyang's defiant military parade and its threats of nuclear warfare. South Korea says the move threatens the entire world.


The evacuation of 20,000 Syrians from four towns under siege is continuing, despite a deadly attack on buses moving people to safety. At least 40 people were killed when a suicide bomber in a van blew himself up at a checkpoint outside the city of Aleppo.


Voting is under way in Turkey in a landmark poll that will determine whether the president will gain sweeping new powers. Voters will decide whether to scrap the post of prime minister, and make president Recep Tayyip Erdogan the head of the executive, as well as head of state.


And thousands have turned out to celebrate one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar. Easter Sunday marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion on Good Friday. For many, it's all about the chocolate with thousands of children taking part in an Easter Egg Hunt at old parliament house in Canberra.

