澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚和新西兰纪念澳新军团日(在线收听

Hello Louise Crealy, with the top stories on ABC News.


Wet weather and security concerns have seen crowd numbers down at ANZAC day services across Australia. But thousands still gathered at the Australian war memorial in Canberra to honour the fallen. For the first time, the national march was led by indigenous veterans.


Meanwhile, political leaders from Australia and New Zealand have taken part in the ANZAC dawn service at Gallipoli. Foreign minister Julie Bishop laid a wreath and spoke of the courage of the young men from the two nations who landed there 102 years ago. In France, wreaths were laid to the sound of bagpipes at the ANZAC day service at villers-bretonneux.


French president Francois Hollande has called for national unity against terrorism at a memorial for the policeman killed by an Islamist attacker in Paris last week. Centrist Emmanuel Macron and right-wing Marine le Pen also attended the ceremony. The issue of security sharply divides the presidential candidates.


Senator Cori Bernardi's Australian Conservatives party, is to amalgamate with the Family First Party. Family First has two representatives in the South Australian parliament who will become Australian Conservatives instead. But the ABC understands that the newly-elected Family First senator Lucy Gichuhi will not be part of the merged party.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

