澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国曼彻斯特遭恐怖袭击 特朗普见阿巴斯谈巴以问题(在线收听

Hello, I'm Rachel Pupazzoni with the latest headlines from ABC News.


A 23 year old man has been arrested in connection with the Manchester terrorist attack. British prime minister Theresa May has described the suicide bombing as an act of appalling, sickening cowardice — and one of the worst ever experienced in the UK. She's been meeting with the government's emergency Cobra committee.


Police are continuing to investigate whether anyone else was involved in the attack. Children are among at least 22 people killed and 59 injured at the Ariana Grande concert. A large part of Manchester is in lock down and campaigning for the UK election has been suspended indefinitely.


US president Donald Trump has met Palestinian authority president Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. Mr Trump says he's hopeful of striking a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians. But White House officials have played down expectations of a breakthrough.


And members of the Stolen Generations have asked the prime minister to fund a national compensation scheme. The Healing Foundation report marks 20 years since a landmark inquiry found that forced removals of aboriginal chidlren from their mothers amounted to gross violations of human rights.


Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

