澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普将公布是否退出巴黎气候协定 NASA启动接触太阳计划(在线收听


The family of Sydney man Matthew Leveson have launched an attack on the justice system, saying it's failed them in their 10-year quest to find what happened to their son. Police have confirmed remains uncovered in Sydney's Royal National Park yesterday are human, an most likely belong to Mr Leveson. His parents have vowed to continue their fight for justice.


European leaders are warning that the United States cannot simply up and leave the 2015 Paris climate agreement ahead of Donald Trump's announcement on whether the US will withdraw. Britain wants the US to take a leading role in addressing climate change and in bringing down carbon dioxide emissions.


The New South Wales government has announced a new housing affordability package, with incentives for first home-buyers starting next month. There'll be no stamp duty for first home- buyers buying a property up to 650-thousand dollars. Meanwhile, the stamp duty surcharge for foreign investors will double from four to eight per cent.


And the US space agency NASA has unveiled plans to fly a spacecraft directly into the atmosphere of the sun. The probe — which will be launched mid next year — would be exposed to more heat and radiation than any craft yet built. Its equipped with a carbon shield to protect it from temperatures exceeding one-thousand-three-hundred degrees celsius.

