澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳洲拟建恐怖分子独立监狱 墨尔本酒吧多人嗑药过量送医(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


A new unit for radicalised prisoners is to be built within Goulburn Jail, south of Sydney. The super-max prison will be designed to separate extremist inmates from other prisoners. In Queensland, plans have been revealed for a new anti-terrorism training centre and dozens of extra officers to fight rising extremism.


A Tasmanian family is mourning the loss of two sisters, aged ten and thirteen, who died in a fire. Their father raised the alarm, but the girls' makeshift bedroom in a shed at Turners Marsh near Launceston was fully alight when fire crews arrived. It's suspected there may have been a fault with an electrical cord. 

一个塔斯马尼亚家庭因为失去两个女儿而悲痛不已,在火灾中死亡的两个女孩分别为10岁和13岁。火灾发生在朗塞斯顿附近Turners Marsh的一座小屋,女孩们的父亲报了警,但是在救火人员赶到时,两个女孩的简易卧室已经被大火吞噬。调查人员怀疑火灾是由电线故障引发。

Six people have been hospitalised, one in critical condition, after taking the drug GHB in Melbourne. Police and ambulances were called to the King Street nightclub precinct in the early hours of this morning.


And approximately a third of coastal New South Wales is this evening on flood alert as heavy rain continues in that state's north. Flood watches and warnings are current from the mid north coast to the border with Queensland.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

