英语新闻听写 关于海龟的趣事(在线收听

Researchers have made a fascinating and honestly pretty cute finding about sea turtles.


Some are using their flippers not just for swimming, but also to help forage for food or capture prey. In effect, they are using them like big awkward arms.


Lead study author Jessica Fujii, a researcher with the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California,

研究的主要作者Jessica Fujii是加利福尼亚蒙特雷湾水族馆的一名研究人员,

said in a Wednesday press release, "Sea turtles' limbs have evolved mostly for locomotion, not for manipulating prey.


But that they're doing it anyway suggests that, even if it's not the most efficient or effective way, it's better than not using them at all."

