英语新闻听写 GoPro廉价多功能相机Hero上市啦!(在线收听

GoPro's latest camera is a simplified, streamlined model simply called the Hero.


At $199, it is the cheapest model in GoPro's lineup that includes a built-in LCD monitor.


The Hero looks much like the latest generations of GoPro, Hero5 and Hero6 Black, with the same gray body that's waterproof without a case and a 2-inch touchscreen at the back.

“Hero”看起来很像“GoPro”最新一代的“Hero5”和“Hero6 Black”,有着相同的灰色机身,无需防水外壳就具备防水能力以及后置一块2英寸的触摸屏。

Voice control is also included, but the camera already has to be powered on for the voice commands to work.

