
Now, after 24 years of marriage, Lori, 48, says the secret to their long-lasting relationship is that, "at the end of the day, I look at him and I still genuinely like him. Starting from the time we wake up in the morning, he pretty much has me laughing."


There is one thing she'd like to change, though. "When I first met him, he had no goatee. He had dark hair. He wore a suit to work every day. Now I look at him and I'm like, 'Where's that man I married with the whole clean look?' "


I always say, 'When are you going to change your haircut?' But it stuck and it's him." When Fieri isn't traveling for work, he revels in life at home in Santa Rosa, Calif.


Along with his sons, his family includes his late sister Morgan's son Jules, 19, whom he and Lori have raised since Morgan's death from meta-static melanoma in 2011.

除了他的儿子,他的家人还包括已故妹妹摩根(Morgan) 19岁的儿子朱尔斯(Jules)。2011年摩根死于超静息性黑色素瘤,之后他和洛丽一直照顾朱尔斯。

"Our perfect nights are really barbecuing in the backyard and the kids swimming in the pool," says Lori. "We just hunker down at home. That's his happy place."


Fieri adds, "I'm so proud of all that these kids get to experience but also at how grounded they've stayed. I think that has a lot to do with who I am and who my wife is. We came from very, very close-knit families."


As his career has flourished—success has brought him around 30 cars (he's lost count) and his own private plane—he's come to enjoy wearing one more hat: Guy Fieri the philanthropist.

随着他事业的蓬勃发展——这一成功让他拥有大约30辆汽车(他记不清了)和自己的私人飞机——他开始喜欢再拥有一个头衔:慈善家盖伊?菲利(Guy Fieri)。

Last year, when destructive wildfires swept through his home state, Fieri drove nearly 200 miles to Redding to feed the displaced victims and the first responders.


"There's nothing in the world that will prepare you for somebody hungry being filled up," he says. "It's unfortunately the toughest times in our world where we are seeing the greatest times of our culture."


Hunter joined him on that trip and often shadows his dad on the set of Triple D to prepare for what Fieri hopes will one day be his show.


"He's a great teacher," says Hunter, a senior at his dad's alma mater. "When the time comes, I will be ready to roll."


But that time is not approaching soon. Fieri loves what he does too much: "I'm going to do a lot of these shows. I'll be in a walker," he says.


"They'll be getting me out of the senior citizen van, but I'll still be doing it."

