
Update Lori Loughlin


The College Admissions Scandal: Ready to Face Their Fate


As the Full House actress and herhusband face their upcoming court date, the familyremain 'united' and hopeful for theirfuture: 'they believethey can beat this'


Charges of mail fraud and money laundering weren't about to put a damper on Lori Loughlin's 55th birthday.


Despite facing up to 20 years in prison as part of the massive college admissions cheating scandal, she and her husband, fashion designer J. Mossimo Giannulli, went to church and then gathered with a small group of friends and their two daughters, Isabella Rose, 20, and YouTube star Olivia Jade, 19, to celebrate.

尽管她和她的丈夫、时装设计师J.·莫西莫·吉沃利(J. Mossimo Giannulli)因大规模的大学入学作弊丑闻而面临最高20年的监禁,但他们还是去了教堂,然后和一小群朋友以及他们的两个女儿(20岁的伊莎贝拉·罗斯,19岁的YouTube明星奥利维亚·杰德)聚在一起庆祝。

But that calm, life-as-usual demeanor is just a front, say those close to the actress.


A legal source familiar with Loughlin and Giannulli's situation describes the Full House star as panicking behind closed doors as she awaits her fate and a future that could involve decades in prison.


"Lori is obsessing over every detail of the case. She's not working, she's not doing anything. She's just reading the files again and again," the source explains.


"The family was told to remove their Google alerts and to stop searching their names because it's not good for them to see what's being said. But this is a full-time concern of hers."


The couple's once-charmed life in Beverly Hills was turned upside down March 12 when the U.S. attorney's office in Massachusetts announced it had indicted Loughlin and Giannulli, 56, in the shocking nationwide scam dubbed Operation Varsity Blues.

3月12日,马萨诸塞州联邦检察官办公室宣布,已起诉洛夫林和56岁的吉沃利,他们被卷入被称为“大学蓝调行动”(Operation Varsity Blues)的令人震惊的全国性诈骗案中,这对夫妇在比弗利山庄(Beverly Hills)的幸福生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。

The pair and nearly 50 other parents, coaches, exam proctors and admissions counselors are accused of such actions as paying for boosted SAT scores and lying about students' athletic skills in order to gain them acceptance to elite colleges including Yale, Georgetown and Stanford.


Loughlin and Giannulli allegedly paid $500,000 to admissions consultant William "Rick" Singer to falsely designate daughters Olivia and Isabella as recruits to the University of Southern California crew team, though neither actually participated in the sport.

据称,洛夫林和吉沃利向招生顾问威廉·“里克”·辛格支付了50万美元,谎称自己的女儿奥利维亚和伊莎贝拉是南加州大学(University of Southern California)乘员队的新成员,但其实两人都没有真正参加这项运动。

While 14 defendants, including actress Felicity Huffman, agreed to plead guilty in April, Loughlin and Giannulli declined a plea deal.

包括女演员费莉希蒂·霍夫曼(Felicity Huffman)在内的14名被告在4月份同意认罪,而洛夫林和吉沃利拒绝了认罪协议。

"They weren't ready to accept that," says the legal source, who also notes the couple have resisted any deals that would result in jail time.

