澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普增兵阿富汗 美国迎百年一遇超级日全食(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the latest headlines from ABC News.


The US president, Donald Trump, has announced more American troops will be sent to Afghanistan to fight against the resurgent Taliban. Mr Trump warned a rapid exit would create a vacuum for terrorists. The Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, has welcomed Mr Trump's plan — calling it part of the joint struggle to rid the region of terrorism.


Crossbench senator Nick Xenophon has signalled he will support the federal government's plan to drug test new welfare recipients. The two-year trial will involve testing five thousand new job seekers across three locations, including Western Sydney. Labor and the Greens are opposing the plan.


The remains of some of the missing sailors involved in a collision between the USS John S. McCain and an oil tanker east of Singapore yesterday have been found. 10 sailors have been missing since the crash. The US Navy has ordered a worldwide operational pause of its fleet to investigate the incident.


And millions of people across the United States have witnessed the country's first coast to coast solar eclipse in almost 100 years. A huge shadow cast by the moon passing in front of the sun was seen clearly across 14 states. It's believed to be the most observed and, most photographed eclipse in history.

