篮球英文堂 第237期:科比退役生活:当女儿专车司机、篮球教练(在线收听

Kobe, thank you so much for coming down, and how's life being since you retired, how you adjusting to it? have you taken up any new hobbies?


Yeah, I am an uber driver, I am basically an uber driver for my children, I am a duber, that is what I do.


You are a duber driver without fox, I take my kids everywhere, that's it, here, there, here, there, here, there, back again. And that's it, that's what I do, that's it.


Do you have even carved out anytime to do anything when you are playing when I stop, I am gonna do this.


Well, I mean, you know, I do coach my daughter's basketball team, so that's pretty cool.


I am gonna ask if they play basketball, Yeah, our middle daughter plays basketball, so I coach, And you coach their team. I do.


I mean I am sorry, I don't know if that should be allowed, can you imagine being the opposition manager coach?


And you pull up, and you like, guys, we have got this, come on, girls, we are going to win this, turn around, it doesn't matter,


I am not out there playing, man, I don't know what the difference I am going to make it, but do you know these kids, we run the triangle which is,


yeah, run the triangle offense, it's awesome, it's awesome, listen, I sit there with my kids, the girls go out and I say okay,


You are going against the zone, I need you to cross and screen, right? Hit two passes to the post bypass first cutter, second cutter, hit the third cutter. and they will go Okay.


Like, man, they did it, I love that, that's incredible, that's amazing, will you come and coach us here one day?


We are trying to start a "late, late show" team, it is not going well, I will help you out with that.

