美联社新闻一分钟 AP 全球确诊病例超过2000万(在线收听

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The number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has moved past 20 million, according to a count by Johns Hopkins University. 5 million of the cases have been confirmed since July 22nd, with two thirds of them in the United States, India and Brazil.


President Trump says he's still open to a deal with Democrats in Congress over coronavirus relief. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are calling for $2.5 trillion and say Republicans don't understand the severity of the situation.

特朗普总统表示,他仍愿意与国会的民主党人就新冠肺炎救援方案达成协议。众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和参议院少数党领袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)呼吁拨款2.5万亿美元,并指出共和党人不了解疫情形势的严重性。

A rare storm packing winds of up to 100 miles an hour left a trail of destruction across the Midwest. Downed trees, damaged buildings, flipped trucks and power outages are reported from Nebraska and Lowa to Michigan and Indiana.


There are few signs of masks in Sturgis, South Dakota, where thousands of motorcycle riders are holding an annual rally.

