英国新闻听力 77(在线收听

BBC News with Ally Macue

The Israeli army has been continuing its bombarbment in the Gaza strip attacking more than 40 targets which is said including tunnel networks,weapon stores and houses belonging to Hamas militants .The Palestinian health ministry says that 90 people have been killed since Israel began its ground operations on Saturday .From the Israeli Gaza boarder Bethany Bell reports

From the border, the thunder of artillery fire fills the air .Israeli helicopters fly overhead .Ealier we saw flares light up the light sky .Sometime later several Israeli military ambulances passed by, leading to the speculation some kinds of medical evacuation may have under way .But there's been no confirmation about this .In Gaza ,itself furious fighting is under way .Palestinian sources say there have been intensive exchanges of fire in the east of Gaza city .They say many houses have been damaged and hundreds of people have been taken refugees in school buildings to escape the fighting .

As the fighting continues in Gaza,European mediators have been stepping up efforts to end the violence .President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has held talks with Palestinian leaders in Ramallah at the beginning the mission to the region.Afterwards, he called for a rapit ceasefire ,at the first temporary, to allow better access for humantarian aid .

America's three biggest car companies have recorded a major losses in annual sales ,confiming that the industry is in serious difficulty .Sales for Chrysler were down by about 30 percent last year while Ford and General Motors sold more than 20 percent fewer vehicles in 2007 .Our economist correspondent Andrew Walker reports

The car sale figures show the industry wheeling from a cute declining in consumer confidence .Replacing a car at purchasing can be delayed ,and that's Americans have become more concerned about the economic outlook.Many have decided to do just that .Concerns about job security because of rising unemployment made such large purchases seem more risky .It is also become harder for car buyer to get loans and many American motorists can buy a new vehicle only on credit .General Motors, along with Chrysler had to go to the US government for emergency loans to stay in business .

The president-elect of United States Barack Obama has begun a series of meeting with the members of Congress to discuss a massive of stimulus package aimed reviving the US economy .Speaking at the start of the talks, Mr. Obama said America faces what he called the extraodinary economic challenge .

The reason we are here today is because the people's business can not wait .We've got an extraordinary economic chanellenge ahead of us .We are expecting a sobering drug report at the end of the week .The speaker and her staffs have been extraodinary helpful in working with our team so that we can shape an economic recovery and reimbursement plan that starts putting people back to work .

World News from the BBC .

The Sri Lankan military says troops have now reached the southern outskirts of the strategic Elephant Path a cross way linking the northen peninsula to the mainland after intensive clashes with Tamil Tiger rebels .A military spokenman said they are now conducting probing operations to recapture the entire Elephant Path from the rebels .There has been no reaction from the rebels who have held the Path since 2000.

Senior commander in the main rebel movement in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo say they've ousted their leader ,the renegade general, Lauren Nkunda.The rebel's spokenman said a new leadership would be set up . The military high command decided unanimously to put an end to the CNDP leader bad governments which is dangerous for the militants’future and for the Congolese people .The military high command decided to set up a new leadership which will be coordinated by a crisis committee .The new leadership had pledged before the CNDP members ,the Congolese people and the international community to creat a favourable conditions for peace . General Nkunda has denied he has been ousted. His spokesman told the BBC senior commanders had been called to a meeting on Tuesday.

The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia's state enegry giant Gazprom to reduce European gas supplies through Ukraine by the amount he says that Kiev has already stolen .Gazprom’s chief executive told reporters the company would make up the shortfalls using other routes .European union says ealier disruption to Russian gas supplies has been corrected .

Doctor in Britain are advising golfers to wear ear with the use of new generation of a thin face detaining to prevent damage to their hearing .In a report in British Medical Journal ,the Ear, nose and throat specialist doctor said the noise from the club exceeded from 130 decibels,more than a gunshot .

BBC News.
