澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚又有议员被曝双重国籍 特朗普访华签数十亿美元订单(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the top stories on ABC NEWS.


Another federal politician has been caught up in the dual citizenship crisis. Crossbench MP Rebekha Sharkie says she received a letter confirming her renunciation of her British citizenship after nominating for the federal election. The Prime Minister has suggested the South Australian refer herself to the High Court.


Police have charged five people who scaled the Sydney Opera House to protest about the closure of the Manus Island detention centre. The two men and three women were on top of the iconic building for more than an hour before they were brought down by police.


Donald Trump has lavished praise on his Chinese counterpart despite previously criticising Beijing's stance on trade and North Korea. On a state visit to Beijing, the US President signed off on billions of dollars in business deals. He also urged Xi Jinping to work hard on persuading the rogue state to abandon its nuclear program.


And a former Olympian who bought Michael Diamond's gold medal for $72,000 at an auction today says he would happily resell it back to him. Richard Oldcorn represented Great Britain in fencing at four Olympic Games but never won gold.


That's the latest from ABC NEWS.

