
Getting information from war zones, or communicating during disasters, such as hurricanes that disrupt infrastructure.This is a great time to revisit all those things that we take for granted,like turning on a light switch or picking up a cell phone.When those things aren't available to us, ham radio operators can still communicate.Inderbitzen sees an upsurge and interest in this hobby, which dates back more than a century.The late US Senator Barry Goldwater was a ham radio operator,so was the late King Hussein of Jordan, and so is VOA White House bureau chief,who reaches out through Morse code and also via more modern methods.


Some people focus on being able to communicate through passing satellites that are amateur radio satellites,other people bounce their signals off the moon, EME, it's called Earth-Moon-Earth.Other hams send still images through slow scan television.One used ham radio to call for help while suffering a heart attack at his mountain cabin.I give basically pick up the microphone and I asked for emergency assistance,and I don't have to be dependent upon the telephone.Communicating from the field with batteries or portable generators, that's part of the appeal.And youngsters are still drawn to the hobby.There's a renaissance of amateur radio going on at our colleges and universities around our country.And it's largely because there's smart young people who are enjoying the technology, radio hasn't gone away.During the Covid pandemic lockdown.I don't think there's a single lonely amateur radio operator in the world.Making friends in a time of isolation.Michael Sullivan VOA news Los Angeles

有些人专注于通过卫星进行通信,也就是业余无线电卫星,另一些人则从月球上反射信号,即EME,地球-月球-地球。业余无线电则通过慢速扫描电视发送静止图像。甚至有一个人在山间小屋心脏病发作时用业余无线电呼救。我拿起麦克风,请求紧急援助,我不需要依赖电话就可以呼救。在野外使用电池或便携式发电机进行通信,这也是它吸引人的一个原因。年轻人仍然深受这项爱好吸引。在我国各地的学院和大学里,业余无线电又再次兴起。这主要是因为有一些聪明的年轻人很享受这项技术,使得无线电并没有消失。尤其是在新冠肺炎疫情隔离期间。我不认为世界上的业余无线电接操作员会是孤身一人。这是在隔离的时候交朋友的一种新方法。美国之音记者Michael Sullivan,洛杉矶报道
