2020年经济学人 一周要闻 拜登任命哈里斯为副手 俄罗斯干涉拜登参选 芝加哥发生暴力抢劫(在线收听

The world this week




Joe Biden named Kamala Harris, a senator from California, as his running-mate. The daughter of a Jamaican-American economist and an Indian-American cancer researcher, she is the first black woman or Asian-American on a major-party presidential ticket. Democrats largely praised her as a safe, charismatic choice, though some queried her respect for civil liberties, noting her record as a tough-on-crime prosecutor.


The director of America’s counter-intelligence service warned that Russia was using a “range of measures” to undermine Mr Biden’s campaign, primarily because of his support for Ukraine.


Chicago endured a night of looting, after police officers shot and injured a black man who they said was firing a gun at them. Bridges were raised to stop looters roaming.


Seattle’s council voted to slash the police budget and refocus the city’s force on “public safety”. The police chief, Carmen Best, said she would resign, decrying an “overarching lack of respect” for her officers. She was the first black woman to hold the job.

西雅图议会投票决定削减警察预算,并将城市警力重新集中在“公共安全”方便。警察局长卡门贝斯特(Carmen Best)表示,她会辞职,谴责对她手下的警察“普遍缺乏尊重”。她是第一位担任该职位的黑人女性。

The Milne ice shelf, the last one that was intact in the Canadian Arctic, split apart during a heatwave. The breakaway piece made up 40% of the ice shelf’s surface area.


Protests by allies of Bolivia’s former president, Evo Morales, over the postponement of an election due to COVID-19, have blocked roads and exacerbated shortages of oxygen. The interim government, led by Jeanine á?ez, a conservative, says 30 people have died as a result. A new election, in which Ms á?ez is running and Mr Morales is not, is scheduled for October 18th.

玻利维亚前总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)的盟友就因新冠肺炎而推迟选举举行抗议活动,导致道路堵塞,并加剧了氧气短缺。由保守派珍妮·阿涅斯(Jeanine Anez)领导的临时政府表示,这一活动导致30人丧生。新一轮选举计划在10月18日举行,届时阿涅斯将参加选举,而莫拉莱斯无法参选。

Mexican prosecutors began a corruption investigation into a former president, Enrique Pe?a Nieto. They are looking into claims that before he became president Mr Pe?a used bribes from Odebrecht, a Brazilian construction firm, to help finance the election campaign in 2012, and that during his presidency he paid legislators to vote for a big energy reform.

墨西哥检察官开始对前总统恩里克·培尼亚·涅托(Enrique Pena Nieto)进行腐败调查。他们正在调查的指控是,在成为总统之前,涅托利用一家巴西建筑公司Odebrecht的行贿,来资助2012年的竞选活动,以及在他担任总统期间,他贿赂立法委员投票支持一项重大的能源改革。

Alexander Lukashenko claimed a sixth election victory in Belarus, with 80% of the vote. Huge crowds protested, saying the count was rigged and the real victor was Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, an ex-teacher. Police arrested and beat thousands. Ms Tikhanovskaya, who had promised to free political prisoners and hold a fair election, fled the country after a long involuntary interview with the security services. Her supporters assume she was threatened. Her husband, who was barred from standing, remains in jail.

亚历山大·卢卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)以80%的选票赢得白俄罗斯第六次选举。大批民众抗议,称计票被操纵,真正的胜利者是前教师斯维特拉娜·蒂哈诺夫斯卡娅。警方逮捕并殴打了数千人。蒂哈诺夫斯卡娅曾承诺要释放政治犯并举行一次公平的选举,但在与安全部门进行了长时间的非自愿谈判后,她逃离了这个国家。她的支持者认为她受到了威胁。她的丈夫被禁止参选,目前仍在狱中。

Tanzania banned the broadcasting of news produced by foreign media without the government’s permission. Local journalists working for foreign media or with foreign correspondents must now be accompanied by an official minder, as in North Korea.

