2020年经济学人 一周要闻 中国放宽36国入境限制 美卫生部长访台 俄罗斯注册新冠疫苗(在线收听

Rebels in northern Mozambique captured the port city of Mocímboa da Praia, killing dozens of soldiers and sinking a navy patrol boat. The jihadist insurgency threatens the development of offshore gasfields, Africa’s biggest energy project.


The government of Lebanon resigned in the wake of a devastating explosion in Beirut. The outgoing prime minister, Hassan Diab, blamed a “system of corruption” for bankrupting the country and crippling basic services. Tens of thousands of people protested. World leaders and international organisations pledged nearly $300m to help those affected by the blast.

黎巴嫩政府在贝鲁特发生毁灭性爆炸后辞职。即将离任的总理哈桑·迪亚布(Hassan Diab)指责“腐败体系”导致国家破产、基本服务瘫痪。成千上万的人抗议。世界各国领导人和国际组织承诺提供近3亿美元,帮助受爆炸影响的民众。

China eased sweeping restrictions on entry to the country by foreigners, which it imposed in March in response to COVID-19. Citizens of 36 countries, including Britain, France and Germany, who already hold a Chinese residence permit will be allowed to apply for visas. They will still have to be tested and endure 14 days of quarantine.


Alex Azar, America’s secretary of health, became the highest-ranking American official to visit Taiwan since America established formal diplomatic relations with China in 1979, and ended them with Taiwan.

美国卫生部长亚历克斯·阿扎(Alex Azar)成为自1979年中美建立正式外交关系并结束与台湾的外交关系以来,访问台湾的级别最高的美国官员。

Mahathir Mohamad, a two-time prime minister of Malaysia who was ousted from power earlier this year after a rift within his coalition, founded a new political party that says it will champion ethnic Malays and fight corruption. Dr Mahathir, who is 95, says his previous party, Bersatu, which is now led by the incumbent prime minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, has been hijacked by defenders of kleptocracy.

曾两次担任马来西亚总理的马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德(Mahathir Mohamad)成立了一个新政党,声称将拥护马来人,打击腐败。今年早些时候,他因执政联盟内部不和而被赶下台。95岁的马哈蒂尔博士表示,他的前政党Bersatu,现在由现任总理Muhyiddin Yassin领导,已经被盗贼统治的捍卫者劫持了。

After a special consultative congress gave the go-ahead, the Afghan government said it would release a further 400 Taliban prisoners, in addition to the 4,600 it has recently freed. The decision paves the way for a peace conference.


Coronavirus briefs


The number of cases in the United States passed 5m. Brazil reached over 100,000 deaths in total.


New Zealand investigated the possibility that its first infections for 102 days had come from freight. The people involved had not travelled. Auckland was locked down.


Masks became compulsory outdoors in Paris and Brussels.


Russia said that it had approved a vaccine against the coronavirus. Scientists elsewhere had doubts. The drug, named Sputnik V, appears simply to have skipped all but the first stages of testing for safety and efficacy.

俄罗斯表示已经批准了一种对抗冠状病毒的疫苗。其他国家的科学家对此表示怀疑。这种名为Sputnik V的药物,除了第一阶段的安全性和有效性测试外,似乎跳过了所有的测试过程。
