英国新闻听力 在发展中国家设立的新的生育治疗项目(在线收听

New Program of Fertility Treatment for Developing Countries

CLAUDIA HAMMOND: When you think of fertility problems, African might not be the first continent to spring to mind. In many conutries there, large families at the norm and the average couple has six children. But this doesn't mean it's easy for every one. In Sub-Sahare Africa, a third of women are experiencing fertility problems. But the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology is about to announce that it's setting up a new program of fertility treatment for developing countries. As Michael Hawking reports from Arusha in Tanzania.

MICHAEL HAWKING: As most African governments are concerned with managing population growth, helping infertile couples to conceive is not seen by many as a big priority. But infertility is a problem that can cause real misery and hardship for those affected. Of the 17 years of trying and failing to have a child, Rita Sembuya, founder of the Joyce Fertility Support Centre in Uganda, to help further infertile women.

RITA SEMBUYA: When you have infertility in Uganda, it's very very devastating. Socially Rolutat, is a person who should never have existed. In the African society a marriage can only be completed after the birth of the child. In the medical side, we find very very many problems because the technologies over treating this infertility inadequate. You find yourself going into infertility for ten years, moving from one doctor to another until you give up, and at this time you have gone through so many operations, so many medications. In the end, you end up with no success at all.

MICHAEL HAWKING: But help may now be on its way. A group of Europe's top fertility experts have set up a special task force to try make fertility treatment much cheaper and more widely available. There are currently only about 25 fertility clinics in Sub-Sahara Africa. The aim is to open many more. In Europe and the USA, in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, is widely available but treatment is very expensive. Each attempt or cycle can cause thousands of dollars because of the hormone injections and other drugs involved. Ian Cook, a member of the new task force says that one suggestion is for African clinics to use these drugs more sparingly, giving a lower success rate, but making the treatment much cheaper.

IAN COOK: Our in-house calculations at that moment are about 120-year old for a cycle of this low cost IVF. In a sense, that's an isolated figure and does not include staff costs. And so we'll have to be more realistic in that and it may will be that there has to be a margin put on top of that to make it economically viable for the institution to run such a program. The next phase will be to be trial offer depending on the cost for two or three cycles to an individual so the key milady pregnancy rate can begin to be respectable numbers.

MICHAEL HAWKING: Ian Cook is already running a pilot study in two clinics in Sudan and South Africa. By recruiting couples who have never had fertility treatment before, he hopes to work out exactly what can be achieved

IAN COOK: We want to take patients that have not previously being offered the infertility management at all because we think that's the only way we can assess the population to which we will be offering this. Now a number of those, hopefully quite a number will be able to be offered technique shot of enriching fertilization. But that will allow us to define the population for whom IVF is appropriate and indeed the population for whom IVF is not appropriate.

MICHAEL HAWING: Last December the task force met in Arusha, Tanzania, to discuss the range of services that might be offered. Besides IVF there are several other treatments as well as many techniques for diagnosing fertility problems. One possible solution is to set up a fertility clinic in each major city but give local doctors the tools to diagnose patients closer to their homes. Such is the hope for the millions of women like Rita Sembuya who longs for an end to the stigma of childlessness.

RITA SEMBUYA: It's a dream which we are all looking forward to. Because in our country in-vitro fertilization is only for the rich people. All the members of the Joyce Fertility Support Centre and the African fertility allies are looking up to the outcome of this meeting as something that is going to cause a transformational change in the lives of people with infertility.

CLAUDIA HAMMOND: Michael Hawking reporting from Tanzania.











