密歇根新闻广播 一个男人的重建社区之路 从他的"城堡"建起(在线收听

As we hear about the many ways that Dan Gilbert and the Ilitch family are reshaping downtown Detroit. We hear about the new businesses, bistros, bars and restaurants in Corktown, Midtown. The question persists: What about the neighborhoods?

All around Detroit, there are homeowners who have made the choice to stay, to roll up their sleeves and do for their neighborhoods what the city has not been able to do.

Chuck Brooks is one of those homeowners. He joined us on Stateside.

Brooks' story starts with being shot on a Detroit street. He felt as though his world and his life were over.

But then, he became a man on a mission to help rebuild his city, brick by brick.

Some of those bricks went towards his own home, which he built and named "The Castle." It has three huge garages, a fountain, new curbs and new sidewalks.

Brooks tells his story in a memoir titled 4234 Lakewood: The Story Behind the Glory.

He'll be holding book signings on June 25 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on June 26 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at The Castle—4234 Lakewood in Detroit.


Chuck Brooks, author of 4234 Lakewood: The Story Behind the Glory
