
JUDY WOODRUFF: When President Trump was officially renominated by the Republican Party yesterday, just 336 delegates were in the room in North Carolina. Most of the 2,500 people who had hoped to be there were watching from home. But they're no less excited about the GOP ticket. The "NewsHour" caught up with a few of them before the convention started.


JIM WORTHINGTON, Trump Delegate: My name's Jim Worthington. I'm from Upper Mayfield, Pennsylvania. I'm a Trump delegate.

特朗普选民代表吉姆·沃辛顿:我叫吉姆·沃辛顿。我来自宾夕法尼亚州的Upper Mayfield。我是一名特朗普选民代表。

CHRISTINE ONG COTHRUN, Trump Delegate: My name is Christine Ong Cothrun. I'm from the Grand Canyon state of Arizona.


CHARLES HELLWIG, Trump Delegate: My name is Charles Hellwig.


CAMERON CAVITT, Trump Delegate: My name is Cameron Cavitt.


RICHARD JONES, Trump Delegate: My name is Richard K. Jones.


JIM WORTHINGTON: I'm a Republican. I'm probably not your typical Republican, but I'm definitely Republican. I have my own group called People For Trump. I work side by side with the GOP, but I keep my independence.


CHARLES HELLWIG: I'm a member of the North Carolina GOP Central Committee. And I have done everything, knocking doors, making phone calls, helping candidates.


CHRISTINE ONG COTHRUN: I think that that's one thing that this president has done for so many people out there is, he didn't need to get involved, but he did. And, as a result, so many of us have realized the need within ourselves to do the same.


JIM WORTHINGTON: But I'm doing a lot of things to -- on a get-out-the-vote program to get voters registered and also vote by mail.


CHRISTINE ONG COTHRUN: When the opportunity came up to put my name in the ring as an at-large national delegate to send Donald J. Trump as the presidential candidate, I jumped at it.


RICHARD JONES: I was chosen, I assume, because I'm a very outspoken individual and I'm a very large supporter for the president.


CHARLES HELLWIG: I was also a delegate in 2016 at the national convention in Cleveland. I joke sometimes -- I have been to one Grateful Dead concert of my life. I wasn't a Deadhead. I wanted to go one time for the experience. Glad I did it. Wouldn't go again.


CAMERON CAVITT: It's a great time for fellowship among the delegates and all our state people. So, I was looking forward to the network opportunities and a chance to meet people around the country that are on board with team Trump. I really was excited about that.


RICHARD JONES: I have never been to a convention. I have seen them on television, so I'm going to miss out on that experience. But with the pandemic, we had no choice. Never lived through one of these before. So, this will all be different.


CHRISTINE ONG COTHRUN: So the thing that I'm most looking forward to is getting this president reelected. We at this point have to replace, I would say, electability with electricity.


JIM WORTHINGTON: I will be hosting a potentially, in the state of Pennsylvania, in my field house, a watch party there. We will watch the president give his speech.

吉姆·沃辛顿:在宾夕法尼亚州的室内运动场这里,我可能会在Watch Party上当一名主持人。我们将观看总统的演讲。

CAMERON CAVITT: We're meeting our congressmen and having a dinner and kind of a little party and things, and I'm excited about that.


CHARLES HELLWIG: You can say what you want about President Trump and his tweets, but it's fun to hear the man talk in person, and the room gets fired up. And we have had great speakers live who would have gotten everybody fired up. I think he will do a good job, even in the virtual setting.

