英语新闻听写 美两参议员致信贝佐斯 质疑亚马逊使用消费者私人信息(在线收听

According to a report by Wired, two United States senators wrote to CEO Jeff Bezos questioning Amazon's use of private consumer information.


Republican Senator Jeff Flake and Democratic Senator Chris Coons reportedly asked specific questions regarding Amazon's smart voice assistant Alexa.


Digital Trends points out that in May, Alexa recorded a Portland, Oregon couple's private conversation and e-mailed it to a random person in their contact list.

“Digital Trends”指出,今年五月,Alexa记录了俄勒冈州的波特兰一对夫妻的私人谈话,并用电子邮件将它随机发给了他们的一位联系人。

Digital Trends suggests that politically motivated data manipulation, like the Cambridge Analytics data mining incident, is a wake-up call to the potential digital vulnerability not only of individuals but also of nations.

“Digital Trends”表示,如“剑桥分析”数据挖掘事件这种出于政治目的的数据操纵不仅是对个人而且还是对国家潜在数据脆弱性的警示。
