英语新闻听写 苹果向AR领域进军 华尔街分析师们反应冷淡(在线收听

Wall Street analysts were not impressed by Apple's push into augmented-reality at WWDC.


The company unveiled its new and improved AR building software, ARKit 2, complete with an app that allows users to create virtual worlds around their real-life Lego builds.

该公司发布了改进的新增强现实开发软件“ARKit 2”,配有一款app就能让用户在他们的真实乐高建筑物周围创造虚拟的世界。

Macquarie Research says it was "underwhelmed" by the announcement, which captured the tepid tone of analyst round-ups on WWDC.

“Macquarie Research”称这个宣告并没有让它眼前一亮,体现了分析师们在苹果全球开发者大会上的平淡语气。

However, Apple shares did rise 1.7% to a new all-time high of $193.42 on Monday.

