密歇根新闻广播 稳定的收入使底特律交响乐队能够到中国来演出(在线收听

2017 is shaping up to be a banner year for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO).

With the orchestra back on solid financial footing, the DSO is embarking on its first international tour in 16 years. This July, Maestro Leonard Slatkin will take the orchestra overseas for the first time since he took over as music director in 2008. The conductor and his 87 musicians will make stops in Japan and, for the first time, China.

Maestro Slatkin joined Stateside to talk about this summer's international tour and the Mozart Festival that launches this week in Detroit.

Following the strike six years ago, Slatkin said the DSO made a commitment to wait until it had its financial house in order before embarking on an international tour.

Slatkin said this is the fourth year in a row the DSO has had a balanced budget. The musicians also recently ratified a new three-year contract. As some financial challenges still remain, specifically with endowments, the funding for this particular tour was funded separately.

Listen to the full interview above to learn about the high-profile soloists that will perform on tour, how the DSO goes about planning music for different audiences and the Mozart Festival, which kicks off Thursday, Jan. 19.
