澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普未批准解密民主党备忘录 文在寅冬奥开幕式上握手金正恩胞妹(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


Joint Counter Terrorism detectives have charged a woman following a stabbing in Melbourne. Police allege the 24-year-old Bangladeshi national stabbed a 56-year-old man in the neck while he was sleeping at his home in Mill Park yesterday. The man was taken to hospital for surgery on a non-life threatening injury. Police say the woman had become self-radicalised over a period of time.


The prime minister's office allegedly intervened to ensure Barnaby Joyce's partner was moved from the deputy PM's department. An insider has told the ABC Mr Joyce initially resisted calls to distance himself professionally from his media advisor. Vicki Campion was eventually moved into a newly created position in Nationals minister Matt Canavan's team.


US president Donald Trump says he's still inclined to release a classified memo by House Democrats on the ongoing Russian investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller if revisions are made. The White House says Mr Trump is unable to declassify the Democrats' memo as it contains properly classified and especially sensitive passages.


The Winter Olympics are underway in South Korea, after an opening ceremony filled with gestures of peace. The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shook hands with South Korean president Moon Jae-In while they watched the show.

