新奇事件簿 2019年将是有史以来最棒的一年(在线收听

Despite all the bad and often depressing news that filled our televisions, newspapers, radios and news feeds in 2018, there are reports that the year 2019 will be the best ever. Breaking News English reporters say it will be a particularly good year for students of English. The reporters say the year will provide ample opportunities to refine and develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.The New Year's resolution of all learners of English and other languages should be to exploit the myriad of websites dedicated to language learning.Dedicating just 30 minutes a day will reap great rewards in developing vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills.

虽然2018年的电视、报纸、无线和新闻推送充斥着让人难过的消息但有报道表明2019年将是有史以来最好的一年。《Breaking News English》记者表示对于英语学生来说,2019年将是尤为不错的一年。记者表示2019年将为改善和发展自己的听说读写技能提供充足的机会。所有英语和其他语言学习者的新年愿望应该是利用各种语言学习网站。每天30分钟将会让你在词汇、流利度和理解能力上大有收获。

There are other reasons why 2019 will prove to be the best year ever. However, we all need to pull together and treat each other with love and respect. This year will be the year of good deeds and of helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves. It will also be a fantastic year for hobbies. Reporters say the stars in the sky are aligning to send positive vibes so that we all excel in our hobbies - both existing and new. Financially, we all need to tighten our belts so we can weather whatever monetary storms the year might throw up. And finally, we will all be more health, conscious and take better care of ourselves. Reporters urge us all to exercise more and eat more nutritious food.

