万花筒 Kaleidoscope2007-08-29&08-30, 为黛安娜之死忏悔(在线收听

Next Friday marks the 10th anniversary since ex-princess Diana died in the Paris car crash. It happened while she was being pursued by the Paparazzi. And now for the first time, some of them are admitting they bear some of the blame. NBC's Dawna Friesen is following the story now from London.
Dawna, good morning.

Good morning, Ann, all the official investigations into Diana's death ten years ago have concluded it was a tragic accident. But now some photographers and editors admit they do feel guilty for helping create an atmosphere in which the Paparazzi were out of control.

She was the most photographed woman in the world. Wherever she went, the long lenses followed. Including that night ten years ago in a Pairs tunnel.

Diana's last summer.

Now in a documentary aired on British TV, one newspaper editor admits for the first time his sense of guilt over Diana’s death.

“I feel huge responsibility for what happened and I think everybody in the media did. And the other driver was drunk, but my view is if the Paparazzi hadn't been following her, the car wouldn't have been speeding. Do you know, the accident may never have happened.

Others in the British Press have also come forward, acknowledging the anguish they felt.

“Yes, I think we all have a bit of guilt about Diana's death. The night she died, watching the Paparazzi being arrested live on television, and the subject control from so on and there was a feeling of responsibility for the whole way we'd gone with Diana”

The guilt though, is tempered by the truth about Diana that she played the game using the press when it suited her, to promote a cause or her own image, cultivating contacts with tabloid journalists, even tipping off the tabloids to her whereabouts.

“I remember when she rang me to say if you get your photographs to Kansas and High streets I promise you get some great pictures, and we got pictures of her in MacDonald's with the kids, and they go, they went around the world.

A love-hate relationship that's led to a lot of soul searching. Even ten years after her death.

And there are a lot of attempts to cash in on that anniversary. About a dozen new books are coming about Diana, including one by a French journalist claiming yet again that she was pregnant when she died. So that should keep the conspiracy theories alive and well for a while longer“
Dawna Friesen, Dawna, thanks, and we’ll have more on Princess Diana.
