万花筒 Kaleidoscope2007-09-16&09-17, 俄罗斯造人运动(在线收听

The Russian province of Ulyanovsk, today is officially Conception Day.

"Almost all civil servants will stay at home." Explained the region's governor,''I hope they devote themselves to their children and to their partners.''

This is how it works: get a little amorous today, September 12th, and with any luck, a child would arrive in exactly 9 months on June 12th. A holiday, called Russia Day.

Then a grateful nation, anxious to reverse a population decline, will shower you with prizes. Preparing for the big day, lingerie stores have been doing a brisk trade.

So is town hall, marrying wannabe parents, parents who want a fridge for their trouble, thank you very much.

"Of course we will join in,"said this blushing bride. "It is supporting our government and our leaders." Boy, those Russians love to follow orders. Last September 12th they were made the same offer. And on Russia Day this year 78 babies were born at the local hospitals.

Thanks to support Sergei Morozov, leader of our region.

The Kartuzovs, great patriots, won an SUV for giving birth to their fourth child on Russia Day. But whatever happen to that special moment, that glint in an eye, hey, when there are appliances or an SUV to win, you can throw away the rulebook.

For Good Morning America, Nick Watt , abc news.
