英国新闻听力 英国警方对报销丑闻议员进行调查(在线收听

After Iran’s Supreme Leader declared that further post-election protests must stop, President Obama said the government in Tehran should recognize that the world is watching its actions. Ayatollah Khamenei who endorsed the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said those who continue to protest would be responsible for the consequences. Jonathan Beale reports.

President Obama continues to tread a fine line in commenting on Iran, anxious not to be seen as interfering or to fuel anti-American sentiment. In an interview with CBS, the President said the world was watching the government of Iran, perhaps his strongest warning so far, but many Republicans still believe that the President's been far too cautious. The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution, strongly condemning the ongoing violence and the Iranian government’s attempts to limit cell phone and internet use.

In his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei criticized Western governments over their reaction to the election. He hit out what he called the arrogant powers, media leaders in the United States and some European countries, who he said had shown their true faces. He described the British government as the most evil. The British government called in Iran’s ambassador to London to explain the Ayatollah’s comments.

Police in Britain have launched a criminal investigation into the alleged misuse of expenses by a number of members of Parliament. The ongoing issue has tainted the reputation of Parliament and led to a series of resignations. Nick Childs reports.

After an assessment by senior detectives and prosecutors, it’s been decided that full police inquiries are necessary into the alleged misuse of expenses by a small number of MPs, and members of the House of Lords. Over recent weeks, a flood of leaks has produced a torrent of allegations, some clearly more serious than others. A significant number of MPs have already said they will step down, and a number of ministerial careers have also in fact been ruined. But this is a significant new twist in the saga.

The US Defense Department has said at least 26 Afghan civilians were killed in a series of controversial airstrikes in May but acknowledged that the figure could be higher. However the Pentagon said in a report the airstrikes were justified. Here is James Coomarasamy.

Released late on a Friday afternoon, the Pentagon report into the incident finds that the civilian deaths were probably the result of three night-time raids by a B-1 bomber. It says that the strikes on the Farah Province in Western Afghanistan on May 4th were justified but that they didn’t follow the US military strict guidelines. Afghan officials have claimed that 140 people died in the incident which has heightened tensions between the US and Afghan governments. The Pentagon says that at least 26 civilians were killed but adds that the true figure could well be much higher and may probably never be known.

The American financier Allen Stanford has been indicted on charges of fraud and obstruction of justice. Documents by the US Department of Justice alleged that he and four others were involved in a seven-billion-dollar scheme to defraud investors. A court in Virginia ordered Mr. Stanford to be held for a detention hearing which will take place in Texas, his home state. His lawyer said Mr. Stanford was confident that he would be found not guilty if he got a fair trial.

The UN says cultivation of coca leaves and production of cocaine in Columbia have dropped sharply over the past year. But production rose in Peru and Bolivia. The UN said the decline in Columbia was caused mainly by the authorities’ destruction of plants by hand rather than by aerial spray. The UN anti-drugs agency said it was a remarkable achievement but more development aid was needed in the Andean countries to give coca farmers alternative sources of income.

The world number one tennis player Rafael Nadal has pulled out of next week’s Wimbledon Championships due to a recurring knee injury. The Spaniard is the first reigning Wimbledon Men’s Champion to not defend the title in seven years. There had been doubts about Nadal’s fitness ever since his shock defeat three weeks ago in the French Open which he’d been the firm favorite to win. James Peel has more.

Rafael Nadal played a practice match this afternoon. I watched him and it was clear that even though his injury was improving, he still wasn’t a 100% fit. For a man who is world No.1 and strives for perfection, that simply wasn’t good enough. Two hours later, he announced that he would not defend his Wimbledon title.

Sri Lanka’s cricketers have reached the final of the World Twenty 20 competition. They beat the West Indies by 57 runs at The Oval in London, thanks largely to an innings of 96 not out by Dilshan. They will take on Pakistan in the final on Sunday.

伊朗最高领袖宣布进一步的选举后抗议活动必须马上停止之后,奥巴马总统称,伊朗政府应该意识到,全世界都在观察其举动。阿亚图拉?哈梅内伊支持伊朗总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德再次当选,称继续抗议的人将为引发的后果负责。Jonathan Beale 报道。



英国警方开始对一些议员的滥用费用行为进行刑事调查。仍在继续的报销丑闻玷污了议会的声誉,引发了一些列的辞职事件。Nick Childs报道。


美国国防部宣布,至少26名阿富汗平民在五月份的一些列空袭中被杀害,但是他们承认实际数字可能更高。然而,五角大楼在一份报告中称,空袭活动是完全合理的。以下是James Coomarasamy的报道。



美国亿万富翁艾伦·斯坦福(Allen Stanford)被指控诈骗和妨碍司法。美国司法部文件称,他和其他四人卷入70亿美元欺骗投资者的项目中。佛吉尼亚法庭命令将斯坦福暂时关押,等待随后在得克萨斯州进行的听证会。其律师称,斯坦福相信,如果能够得到公平的审判,最终将会无罪释放。


世界排名第一的网球选手纳达尔由于膝伤未能痊愈退出下周的温布尔登公开赛。他是七年来第一个统治温网男子冠军的人。自从三周前纳达尔在法国公开赛中受伤以来,人们一直对他的健康状况持有疑问。原本他是当之无愧的冠军。James Peel报道更详细的信息。


斯里兰卡板球运动员已经到达World Twenty决赛。他们在伦敦The Oval击败西印度群岛。在周五的决赛中他们将对垒巴基斯坦队。
