新奇事件簿 北极熊入侵俄罗斯小镇(在线收听

Polar bears on an island in Russia are scaring people in a small town. At least 52 polar bears have been seen wandering around the town of Belushya Guba. The town is on the island of Novaya Zemlya, which is in the Arctic Ocean. The situation has become serious because the bears have chased people and entered homes and offices. Local officials have declared a "polar bear emergency". Local official Alexander Minayev said: "The people are scared. They are frightened to leave homes and their daily routines are broken. Parents are afraid to let their children go to school or kindergarten." A local said: "I have been here since 1983, but there have never been so many polar bears in the vicinity."

俄罗斯一岛上的北极熊可把小镇上的居民给吓坏了。据目击,Belushya Guba镇上至少有52只北极熊在四处游荡。该小镇位于新地岛,地处北冰洋。现在形势已经越来越危急,因为这些北极熊追逐居民并闯入居民家中和办公室内。当地官员已经宣布进入北极熊紧急状态。当地官员Alexander Minayev表示:“居民们被吓坏了。他们害怕得不敢出门,而且他们的日常行程也被扰乱了。父母们不敢让孩子去上学或去幼儿园。”一位当地居民说:“我从1983年起就住在这里,还从没在附近看到过这么多的北极熊。”

Officials say the polar bears are roaming into towns looking for food. They say that climate change is one reason for this. More sea ice is melting, which means the bears are moving into new areas to find food. They are attracted by the smell of food in bins outside people's homes. Town officials have asked for permission to kill the animals to reduce the danger to humans. However, Russia's environmental agency has refused this request. Polar bears are classed as a vulnerable species. The World Wildlife Fund says they are in danger because of the "ongoing and potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change". It is helping to keep the polar bears away from the people of Belushya Guba.

官员们表示北极熊到镇子里来是为了寻找食物。他们称气候变化是原因之一。越来越多的海冰正在融化,这意味着北极熊要前往新的区域寻找食物。它们被居民门外垃圾箱中食物的味道所吸引。小镇官员已请求允许猎杀它们以减少对居民的威胁。但俄罗斯环保局拒绝了这一请求。北极熊被列为渐危物种。世界野生动物基金会表示它们正处于危险中,因为“气候变化导致它们的海冰栖息地正在或可能会消失”。其正在帮助驱赶这些北极熊,让它们远离Belushya Guba的居民。
