新奇事件簿 全球最年轻的亿万富豪(在线收听

Can you Imagine being a billionaire at the age of 21. Entrepreneur, social media star and model Kylie Jenner has done just that. According to the business magazine 'Forbes', Ms Jenner has become the world's youngest self-made billionaire. She is so successful that she became a billionaire two years younger than Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Jenner is the youngest sibling in the Kardashian family. She made the bulk of her fortune from her best-selling cosmetics business Kylie Cosmetics, which she started at the age of 15. She founded and owns the beauty company. It now generates an estimated $360million in annual sales. Her company is estimated to be worth around $900 million.

你能想象在21岁就成为亿万富翁吗?企业家、网红和模特,这就是凯莉·詹娜。《福布斯》商业杂志报道,詹娜已经成为了世界上最年轻的白手起家的亿万富翁。她非常的成功,所以她早已成为了比脸书创始人马克·扎克伯格还年轻两岁的亿万富豪。詹娜是卡戴珊家族中最小的孩子。15岁的时候,她开创了自己的事业—彩妆品牌Kylie Cosmetics,并从中赚到了大笔财富。她是该公司的创始人兼所有者。现在该公司年销售额预估为3.6亿美元。她的公司预估市值约为9亿美元。

Kylie Kristen Jenner was born in August 1997. She got into business at a young age. When she was 14, she created a line of clothing for a fashion brand. A year later, she launched her own cosmetics line called Kylie Lip Kits, which transformed into Kylie Cosmetics. 'Time' magazine listed her as one of the most influential teens in the world. Today, Ms Jenner also has successful careers as a model, TV reality star and social media personality. In November 2018, the New York Post said she was the most influential celebrity in the fashion industry. Talking about her billionaire status, she said: "That's a nice pat on the back....I didn't expect anything. I did not foresee the future.... I work really hard."

凯莉·克里斯汀·詹娜出生于1997年8月。她很小就闯荡商业。在她14岁的时候,她为一个时尚品牌开创了一条时装线。一年后,她推出了自己的彩妆线Kylie Lip Kits,后来变成了Kylie Cosmetics。《时代》杂志将她列为全球最具影响力青少年之一。如今,詹娜也第一名成功的模特、真人秀明星以及网红。2018年11月,《纽约邮报》称她是时尚界最具影响力的名人。谈起自己亿万富翁的身份,她表示:“这对我是一种鼓励...我没有任何期待,也无法预见未来... 我真的非常努力。”
