新奇事件簿 呆萌白鲸可能成为间谍吗(在线收听

A professor at a university in Norway believes a beluga whale that was found in the Arctic Ocean near Norway's northernmost point could be part of Russia's spy network. Local residents reported that the beluga was extremely tame and enjoyed being petted. Professor Audun Rikardsen said the creature was fitted with a harness and mount for a spy camera. He said: "It is most likely that the Russian Navy in Murmansk was involved." However, news images show there is "Equipment of St. Petersburg" written on the harness in English. A local said: "The talk in this hamlet is that it could have escaped from a Russian military facility or could have swum from St. Petersburg, Florida, because of the English-language text."

挪威一所大学的教授认为在挪威最北端附近的北冰洋发现的一只白鲸可能是俄罗斯间谍网的一员。当地居民报告称,这只白鲸极其温顺,喜欢大家的抚摸。Audun Rikardsen教授表示,这只生物身上安装了一个背带和一个间谍相机底座。他称:“这很有可能与摩尔曼斯克的俄罗斯海军有关。”但新图片显示背带上用英语写着“圣彼得堡的装备”。一名当地人说到:“村里传言这只白鲸可能是从俄罗斯军事设备处逃出来的或者可能是从佛罗里达州的圣彼得堡游过来的,因为上面写的是英文。”

There is much speculation online as to where the whale came from. Journalists are asking whether it came from whale and dolphin training facilities in St. Petersburg, Florida. The U.S. Navy is known to use dolphins to help divers on military missions. A Russian naval analyst, Mikhail Barabanov, downplayed any links the beluga might have with the Russian military. He said: "Even if there are military programs for using marine animals for navy purposes, they are unlikely to be belugas." A Russian military official agreed. He told the BBC: "If we were using this animal for spying, do you really think we'd attach a mobile phone number with the message 'please call this number?'"

网上有很多关于这只鲸鱼来源的猜测。记者们正在询问它是否来自佛罗里达州圣彼得堡的鲸鱼和海豚训练设备处。众所周知,美国海军会利用海豚帮助执行军事任务的潜水员。俄罗斯海军分析师Mikhail Barabanov对白鲸和俄罗斯军队之间的可能关联一笔带过。他说到:“即使有将海洋动物用于海军用途的军事计划,也不太可能用白鲸。”一名俄罗斯军官也同意此说法。他告诉BBC:“如果我们用这种动物做间谍,大家真的以为我们会附上一个手机号码,上边写着‘请拨打此号码’”?
