英语新闻听写 另类的求职成功案例(在线收听


According to Business Insider, the story of a California Entrepreneur named David Casarez, who quit his job as a web developer at General Motors to launch his own tech startup, has gone viral online.

据Business Insider报道,辞去通用汽车公司Web前端开发工程师工作来创办自己的科技创业公司,加州创业者大卫·卡萨雷斯的故事在网上走红。

After attempting to develop his own company, Caserez ran out of money, and had to live out of his van.


Casarez has recently taken to the highway to hand out copies of his resume.


A driver passing by had tweeted a photo and his story has spread throughout the web.


Thanks to his ingenuity, Casarez has received job offers from Google and other tech giants.

