On a bad day---Kasey Chambers
Every time my tears Have ever fallen I keep 'em in my pocket For a rainy day So when it's pouring I take them outside I let the rain start washing My tears away
But on a bad day When hearts are breaking There's not enough rain to carry All the tears away
Everytime I'm blue I take my feeling I hold it tighter And I don't let go And when the sky gets whiter And the air is colder I throw my feeling To the falling snow
But on a bad day When hearts are breaking There's not enough snow to carry All the blues away
Every time my heart My heart starts breaking I take this pain And I hold it down And I wait for the wailing When the wind is comin And my pain is blowin Through another town
But on a bad day When hearts are breaking There's not enough wind to carry All the pain away
Every time my tears Have ever falling I keep 'em in my pocket For a rainy day
每一次流泪 我都会 把眼泪藏进口袋 等到雨天 大雨倾洒 再来放飞伤悲 让雨水 载着眼泪 飞过天际
可是,悲伤的时候 心儿都碎了 如柱雨水 载不动我泪儿涟涟
每一次沮丧 我都会 把忧伤小心收藏 紧抓不放 等到漫天飞雪 空气冻结 再来放飞伤悲 让雪花 载着沮丧 飞过天际
可是,悲伤的时候 心儿都碎了 皑皑白雪 载不动我意气沉沉
每一次受伤 我都会 把疼痛小心收藏 忍住 等到狂风呼啸 再来放飞伤悲 让风儿 载着疼痛 飞向另一个小镇
可是,悲伤的时候 心儿都碎了 呜呜狂风 载不动我伤痕累累
每一次流泪 我都会 把眼泪藏进口袋 等待雨天 说起Kasey Chambers ,她的嗓音并不优美,声线也不圆润.随性的童声中夹杂着一点点的沙哑.听似朴实平静,但总夹杂着一点不羁... 推荐的这首On a bad day并不是她的代表作,只是喜欢里面小提琴的伴奏和歌词里诗一般的自白...