英国新闻听力 FBI负责人谴责苏格兰释放空难主犯的行为(在线收听

The head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, has issued a scathing attack on the Scottish authorities for allowing the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi to return home to Libya. In a letter, Mr. Mueller described the decision by the Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill to release Mr. Megrahi on compassionate grounds as a mockery of justice. Daniel Sandford reports.

Robert Mueller is now the director of the FBI, but his connection to the Lockerbie case goes back to the early 1990s when he was the assistant attorney general. In his exceedingly strongly-worded letter to the Scottish Justice Secretary, he says he wouldn’t normally comment on the action of others, but he says Kenny MacAskill’s decision to release the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombings has caused him to abandon that practice. He says he is outraged at the decision. The FBI director says the release is as inexplicable as it is detrimental and gives comfort to terrorists around the world.

Militants in Nigeria have handed over weapons at a ceremony organized by the authorities in the oil-rich Niger Delta. The militants are followers of a commander known as General Boyloaf who’s a senior member of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta. But as Caroline Duffield reports not everyone has accepted the amnesty.

Hundreds of guns, twelve gunboats and a number of rocket-propelled grenades were dumped. Almost immediately, a statement from other members of the group was emailed to the media attacking the decommissioning as a shroud. It said that Bayelsa arms dumping was fraudulent and that the weapons had in fact been supplied by the Nigerian government. The statement said that the group would now suspend its ceasefire and resume attacks on the Nigerian military and the oil industry.

Firefighters in Greece are battling a large wildfire raging out of control northeast to the capital Athens. Special aircraft have been dropping water on the flames near the town of Marathon. But strong winds have been fanning the fire. Malcolm Brabant reports.

In the past 24 hours, there have been more than 70 new fires started across the nation. And there’s a strong suspicion that arsonists have been at work, especially in the village of Grammatiko, north of Athens, where residents have been trying to thwart construction of a landfill waste disposal site. Gale-force winds have hampered the efforts of the firefighters. Occasionally thick smoke has prevented the fixed-wing water bombing aircraft from joining in the fray.

Police in Hungary have broken up a meeting of the recently banned right-wing paramilitary Hungarian Guard organization at which new members were being inducted. The move comes as four of the group's members have been held for questioning in connection with a series of attacks against ethnic Roma people over the past year, in which six people have been killed. A political party connected to the Guard won nearly 15% of the vote in elections for the European parliament back in June.

South Korea’s Unification Ministry says a team of North Koreans visiting the country will meet President Lee Myung-Bak on Sunday. The envoys had extended their visit to the South after requesting a meeting with President Lee who North Korea has traditionally denounced as a lackey and a traitor. The request was reported after they held talks with the South’s unification minister.

The former Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani is reported to have called on the country’s political factions to follow the orders of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has publicly endorsed the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mr. Rafsanjani has been supporting the opposition over the disputed presidential election in June and correspondents say his latest statement appears to be in contrast to a speech last month when he said the country was in crisis

The top prize in Italy’s massive state lottery draw worth some 210 million dollars has been won for the first time since January. The long delay led to mounting lottery fever with people from around Europe traveling to Italy to buy tickets. Mark Duff now reports.

The numbers are simply mind-boggling. In return for buying a two-euro ticket, someone in a Tuscan village has just scooped a record 146.9 million Euros. Italian lottery winners usually prefer to remain anonymous. But what is known is that the winning ticket was bought at the Bar Biffi in the medieval village of Bagnone. Anticipation had reached fever pitch before Saturday night’s draw. The jackpot winning combination of six numbers hadn’t emerged for 87 consecutive draws and almost seven months.

The Jamaican sprinter Usian Bolt has won his third gold medal at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin. His latest success came as a member of the Jamaican 4×100 meters relay team.

美国FBI负责人Robert Mueller严厉抨击苏格兰政府允许洛克比空难主犯迈格拉希返回利比亚的行为。在致苏格兰政府的信件中,Mueller称苏格兰司法部长Kenny MacAskill出于同情将迈格拉希释放的决定是对正义的蔑视。Daniel Sandford报道。

Robert Mueller现在担任FBI负责人,但是早在90年代他还是助理检察官时就与洛克比空难有联系。在致苏格兰司法部长的言辞激烈的信件中,他说,正常情况下他不会对别人的行为做任何评论,但是他说,Kenny MacAskill释放洛克比空难主犯的决定导致他放弃了这个习惯。他说,他对该决定感到出离愤怒。这位FBI负责人称,此次释放空难主犯既让人费解又存在极大危害,这使得全世界的恐怖分子都感到高兴。

在石油丰富的尼日尔三角洲地区,尼日利亚好战分子在政府组织的仪式上交出武器。这些好战分子是尼日尔三角洲解放运动(Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta)高级成员Boyloaf的追随者。但是,据Caroline Duffield报道,并不是所有人都接受这次特赦。


希腊消防员正在紧张扑救首都雅典东北部失控的森林大火。特派飞机在马拉松附近从空中喷水灭火。但是大风使火势更加迅猛。Malcolm Brabant报道。




据报道,伊朗前总统阿克巴尔·哈什米·拉夫桑贾尼(Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani)呼吁该国各政治党派遵守最高领袖哈梅内伊的命令。哈梅内伊公开支持内贾德的再次当选。拉夫桑贾尼在六月份有争议的总统选举中一直支持反对派。但是记者称,他的最新声明似乎与上个月的说法相反。当时他表示伊朗正处在危机之中。

自一月份以来,意大利首次有人赢得高达2.1亿美元的超级乐透头奖。长期无人赢得头奖导致奖金大量累计,引发欧洲各国人们竞相来到意大利购买彩票。Mark Duff报道。


