密歇根新闻广播 空气质量太差 致人生病或死亡(在线收听

Poor air quality in Detroit is putting people into the hospital, and even killing some. It's making them sick and unable to go to work or school.

That's not opinion. That's a fact with scientific data to back it up.

Today brings a new action plan to improve air quality in Detroit and in doing so, improve people's health. A number of community and environmental justice groups are joining with the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Together, they've created a Public Health Action Plan being unveiled today.

Guy Williams, president and CEO of Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, and Amy Schulz of the University of Michigan's School of Public Health joined Stateside to talk about what the data say, how poor air quality affects Detroiters, and what is being done about it.
