密歇根新闻广播 高科技让学生在教室里扮演国际空间站上的角色(在线收听


School kids in the 1960s thought it was super cool if they could watch a space shuttle launch on one a TV rolled into their classroom on a cart.

But today, school kids do a lot more than just watch a shuttle launch. They can play an actual role in research being done aboard the International Space Station from their own classroom.

It’s all because of a Michigan-based program called Orion’s Quest.

Terry McCormick is one of the Michigan teachers whose students are taking part in real life science missions here on the ground.

Listen to the full interview above to hear more about how school kids are contributing to the research taking place on the International Space Station. Plus, we ask 7th grade student Meera Manek what she thinks about the program.
