澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳总理访问德国与默克尔会谈 英国女王伊丽莎白二世庆祝92岁生日(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


The government will not remove the big banks from its multi-billion dollar company tax cut policy amid calls for the banks to be excluded after damning revelations of financial misconduct out of the Banking Royal Commission. It is estimated to make the big four banks get a 13 billion dollar tax cut.


Malcolm Turnbullhas is in Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The prime minister is expected to lobby for an EU-Australia free trade deal. Earlier, Mr Turnbull and his UK counterpart Theresa May discussed working more closely on cyber security and he hosted prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Australian High Commission in London.


The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons says it may send more teams to inspect the Syrian town of Douma after scores of people were killed two weeks ago in a suspected gas attack on the city. Syria and Russia deny chemical weapons were used.


And Queen Elizabeth has celebrated her 92nd birthday with a concert in London. British singers such as Sting, Tom Jones and Jamie Cullum performed at the birthday party. Kylie Minogue and Shaggy also sang at the event. A new trust helping champion young leaders has been opened in her majesty's honour.

