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The top stories on ABC News.


Police and federal agencies in Canada say this morning's incident in Toronto appears to be deliberate but is not an act of terrorism. 10 people are dead and 15 are injured after a van drove through crowds of pedestrians. The suspect 26 year old Alek Minassian was arrested shortly after the rampage.


The Banking Royal Commission has heard it was common practice for National Australia Bank employees to incorrectly witness forms. Senior NAB executive Andrew Hagger conceded one financial adviser had forged signatures and others had incorrectly signed off on forms including documents that nominated a dead client's superannuation beneficiary.


An Adelaide woman who fatally stabbed her friend then licked his blood from the knife has been sentenced to life in prison. 43-year-old Leanne Prak killed 65-year-old Michael McEvoy at his unit in May last year. The court heard Prak was grossly intoxicated during the attack.


And Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge have left hospital with their new baby boy. The new prince will be fifth in line to the throne bumping his uncle Harry into sixth place. And while the baby's name is yet to be revealed, Albert, Arthur, James and Philip are among the favourites.

