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The top stories on ABC News:


Disability advocates are demanding more detail over the funding of the national disability insurance scheme. The federal government says it can now afford to fund the scheme through general revenue so it won't be going ahead with a medicare levy hike. The increase would have raised $8 billion and cost the average tax payer an extra $375 a year.


Melbourne's Crown Casino is set to be fined for removing betting buttons from nearly 20 of its poker machines without approval. It's understood the penalty could be as high as $300,000 and will also include a letter of censure.


Pill testing will be trialled in Australia for the first time after the green light was given for this weekend's Groovin the Moo Festival in Canberra. Under the trial, festival-goers will be able to have their illegal drugs tested to find out what's in them by independent group STA-Safe.

本周末,Groovin the Moo音乐节将在堪培拉举行,届时将进行音乐节获得许可之后的首个药物测试。依据测试规定,参加音乐节的观众可以将违法药物交给独立组织STA-Safe进行测试,以确定药物成分。

And car maker Ford has been fined $10 million over unconscionable conduct, for the way it handled complaints about faulty cars. The federal court found Ford knew about shuddering problems in some of its models but blamed them on the customers' driving style. The fine is one of the largest handed down under Australian consumer law.

