时代周刊 格蕾塔·葛韦格 凭处女作问鼎奥斯卡的好莱坞女导演(3)(在线收听

At the South by Southwest Film Festival in 2006, her senior year, she saw a film directed by a woman around her age.


"I thought, Wait, are we allowed to do that? Who told you you could?"


And then she realized: "Nobody told her. She was just gonna do it, like the guys were doing it."


It was one in a series of moments, many involving female directors giving her advice and encouragement, that led to her deciding to do it too.


We are still waiting for her meal to arrive, prior to our epic walk, when an angelic voice emerges from her phone: "Sail away, sail away, sail away."


Before picking it up, she apologizes: "Oh, sorry—I have Enya as my ringtone."

拿起手机时,她道歉说:“啊,不好意思 - 我把恩雅的歌设置成我的铃声了。”

After she finishes a brief phone conversation, she explains, "The phone ringing is an anxious event, and Enya always calms you down."


Gerwig has a calm presence to begin with.


In conversation, she is earnest, with her shaggy blond hair taking on new configurations each time she runs a hand through it.


She'll go deep on Tolstoy (the way he shifts narrative perspective to the dog in Anna Karenina)


and Tina Fey (how she learned to listen through improv) in the space of a minute.


In many ways, the 25 films she appeared in over the course of a decade served as a substitute for film school.


She's best known for her flaky aspiring dancer in 2013's Frances Ha, which she co-wrote with director Noah Baumbach, now her partner of several years.


She received a Best Actress Golden Globe nomination for the role.


But for all that she put into the performance,


she was working overtime after her scenes were done, loitering on set to take notes on the lighting and production design.


"When you're an actor on a movie, people don't kick you off the set," she explains. "They assume you have a right to be there."

“如果你是片中的演员的话,大家就不会赶你走,”她解释道。 “他们会觉得你是有权待在那里的。”

As she immersed herself in this self-directed curriculum,


she continued acting in films like the historical drama Jackie and the acclaimed coming-of-age indie 20th Century Women.


She missed sitcom fame when a How I Met Your Mother spinoff she starred in failed to get picked up.


She also appeared in Woody Allen's 2012 filmTo Rome With Love.

