澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 意大利宣布垮塌公路桥所在地区进入紧急状态 特朗普取消前CIA局长布伦南安全许可(在线收听

Firefighters have spent the night battling 90 bushfires across New South Wales. Strong winds whipped up the blazes to emergency levels yesterday on the state's south coast, threatening homes near Bega, and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people further north. There was also concern about a separate blaze at Bilpin in the Blue Mountains, which was controlled last night.


Italy's prime minister has declared a 12-month state of emergency in the Liguria region, in response to the motorway bridge collapse that's left at least 39 people dead in Genoa. The Italian government is also looking into revoking the contract of the company responsible for maintaining the country's motorways. But the company has defended its maintenance record, saying it checked the bridge every three months.


US president Donald Trump is revoking the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan. Mr Brennan, who served in the Obama administration, has been a vocal critic of Mr Trump's conduct. In a statement read by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mr Brennan is accused of using his access to classified information to "sow division and chaos" about the Trump administration.


Federal MPs are set to make a second attempt at overturning laws banning the territories from legalising voluntary euthanasia. The senate last night voted down a bill to give the ACT and Northern Territory the right to legislate on the issue.

