澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普前律师承认曾为选举付封口费 飓风莱恩袭击夏威夷(在线收听

A petition is being circulated by supporters of Peter Dutton calling for another party room meeting, amid frenzied speculation that it might be a second contest for the Liberal leadership today. The ABC has confirmed only three signatures have been secured of the 43 required.


Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has lost a third front-bencher, he is accepting the resignation of key assistant minister James McGrath. Meanwhile, Mr Dutton is facing a solicitor-general's investigation into whether his investment in child care centres make him ineligible to sit in parliament.


US president Donald Trump has contradicted claims made by his former lawyer, who has pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance laws. Michael Cohen has alleged he worked in coordination with, and at the direction of, Mr Trump to arrange hush money to two women during the 2016 presidential election campaign. But in an interview with Fox news, Mr Trump claimed personal responsibility for the payments, rather than his campaign.


A major hurricane has weakened while approaching Hawaii, but it's still expected to bring strong winds. Hurricane Lane has been downgraded from a category five to a category four storm, and is expected to weaken further before hitting Hawaii's big island later today. Forecasters warn winds could reach up to 250 kilometres per hour and cause catastrophic damage.

