澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳总理考虑将驻以使馆迁往耶路撒冷 特朗普暗示接受沙特"否认"解释(在线收听

The top stories today.


Tributes are being paid to Clean Up Australia founder, Ian Kiernan, who's died at the age of 78. The environmental campaigner and yachtsman was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. His vision for clean-up Australia began in the 1980s and spread across the world.


The Prime Minister Scott Morrison is playing down concerns Australia's relationship with Indonesia could be damaged by any shift in Middle East policy. There are reports of a backlash from Australia's Muslim neighbour, after the Prime Minister floated the idea of moving Australia's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The Government maintains the relationship is strong and that a free trade deal is still going ahead.


The US President Donald Trump says Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince has denied knowing about what happened to missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a phone call, President Trump says the Crown Prince has started a full investigation into the journalist's disappearance and suspected murder at the Saudi consulate in Turkey. The call coincides with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to Riyadh.


And the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are visiting Dubbo today as they continue the tour of Australia. Hundreds of people have been gathering to welcome the Royals. The regional visit comes after the couple met hundreds of people at the Sydney Opera House yesterday.

