夏说英语新闻晨读 第638期:东南亚地区对抗非洲猪瘟(在线收听


South-east Asia is battling to contain the spread of highly contagious African swine fever, known as "pig Ebola", which has already led to the culling of millions of pigs in China and Vietnam. African swine fever, which is harmless to humans but fatal to pigs, was discovered in China in August, where it has caused havoc, leading to more than 1.2m pigs being culled. China is home to almost half of the world's pigs and the news sent the global price of pork soaring.

battle: n. 斗争 vi. 作战

battle field: 战场

contain: vt. 控制;包含

contagious: adj. 传染的

swine: n. 猪

fever: n. 高烧

cull: n. 捕杀

fatal: adj. 致命的

havoc: n. 大破坏

pork: n. 猪肉

soar: vi. 上涨
