夏说英语新闻晨读 第646期:川普正式宣布角逐总统连任(在线收听


Today in Florida, almost four years since descending Trump Tower's gilded escalator to announce his dark-horse presidential campaign, Donald Trump launches his bid for four more years. In truth, the campaign began the day of his inauguration. Brad Parscale, his campaign manager, has already begun blanketing swing states with digital ads on platforms like Facebook. As of March 2019, the campaign was sitting on a war chest of $41m. What Mr Trump will run on is unclear.

descend: vi. (沿斜坡)下降

descend/ascend the stairs: 下/上楼梯

gilded: adj. 镀金的

gild the lily: 给百合花镀金(画蛇添足,作多余的装饰)

dark-horse: 黑马(出人意外获胜的赛马或参赛人)

bid: n. 招标,报价

the highest bid: 报价最高(拍卖会上)

a bid for power: 争夺权力

launch a bid for president: 竞选总统

inauguration: n. 就职;开幕式

inauguration ceremony: 就职典礼

inauguration day: 美国总统就职日

inauguration speech: 就职演说

blanket: vt. 盖上毯子(本课指“地毯式的宣传”)

swing states: 摇摆州

war chest: 战备资金,竞选资金
