英国新闻听力 134(在线收听

The High Court in Britain has ordered the publication of US intelligence documents, allegedly proving that a former detainee in Guantanamo Bay was tortured. The British man, Binyam Mohamed, says the documents show that he was subjected to torture at the request of the CIA before he was moved to the detention camp, and that the British security service MI5 knew about it. The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says he will appeal against the ruling.

“We have no objection to this material being published by the appropriate authorities, in this case, the United States. I’ve absolutely no objection to this material being published. I’ve made that clear again and again. What I do have a very deep objection to is the idea that a British court should publish American secrets in the same way that I would have the deep objection if an American court started publishing British secrets.”

Mr. Miliband suggested that in future the US might no longer share intelligence.

United Nations Human Rights Council has endorsed a report into this year’s Israeli offensive in Gaza which accuses both Israel and Hamas of war crimes. The report urges both sides to conduct credible investigations and suggests referring them to the International Criminal Court if they don’t. Our State Department correspondent Kim Ghattas says the council’s vote may further complicate US attempts to re-launch Middle East peace talks.

The Obama administration’s push for peace in the Middle East appears to be on the brink of collapse. The Israelis are now saying they won’t take risks for peace if they can’t defend themselves. The State Department spokesperson Ian Kelly said the administration still remained focused on trying to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to the negotiating table. But a few days ago, leaders from President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party said that they had lost hope in the American administration. So prospects are as bleak as ever.

A senior official with the Zimbabwean and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party has been released from detention on bail. Roy Bennett has spent two days in jail after being arrested for alleged arms and terrorism offenses. Despite the release, a spokesperson for Mr. Tsvangirai said the party would continue to boycott the coalition government.

The United Nations top official for the Democratic Republic of Congo Allen Darse has blamed a local unit of former rebels for a massacre in April in the east of the country. But Mr. Darse urged the Security Council to continue supporting UN-backed Congolese army operations in the region despite criticism that the troops were responsible for human rights abuses. The UN special rapporteur Phillip Alston had denounced the joint operations as catastrophic. He said that made the UN peace-keeping force known as MONUC a party to the conflict.

Some football news just in. Ghana has become the first African team to win the Under-20 World Cup. It won the title after beating Brazil on penalties by 4 goals to 3.

A suicide bomber in northern Iraq has killed at least 15 people and wounded more than 90 others in an attack on a Sunni mosque during Friday prayers. Police say the bomber shot the Imam of the mosque and other worshippers and then set off an explosive belt. Officials said the Sunni Imam may have been targeted because he had previously spoken out against al-Qaeda. The attack was in Tal Afar in Nineveh province which is seen as one of the last major strongholds of insurgence.

The first plane chartered by the British government since the Iraq conflict to deport failed Iraqi asylum seekers came back to Britain with most of those who were to have been returned still on board. Those flown back are now being held at immigration centers. Sarah Rainsford has more.

44 Iraqis were the on board the plane to Baghdad that left London early on Thursday morning. By the early hours of Friday, 34 were back in Britain, having been refused entry to Iraq. The British Interior Ministry says it’s working closely with the governments in Baghdad to iron out the issues behind this. But its spokesman wouldn’t comment on exactly why all but 10 of the Iraqis have been returned.

Pakistan’s political and military leaders have warned that militants pose a serious threat to the sovereignty and integrity of the country. They’d held a four-hour emergency meeting on the security situation following coordinated attacks over the past two weeks which have killed more than 150 people. The leader said there was an across-the-board consensus on rooting out extremism and militancy. The talks came hours after a suicide car bomber attack in Peshawar where at least 12 people died.

The Belgian government has approved a plan to rent prison cells from the Netherlands. Under the scheme, 500 Belgian prisoners would be sent to a prison in the Dutch city of Tilburg. Dutch wardens will guard the Belgian prisoners. Belgium’s justice minister said it was a temporary measure until more prisons could be opened.

英国最高法院下令公布美国情报文件,据称,该文件可以证明前关塔纳摩湾囚犯被虐待事件。英国男子Binyam Mohamed称,这些文件可以反映他在被转移到拘留处之前曾在CIA的要求下遭受虐待,英国安全服务MI5知情。英国外交大臣米利班德称,他会对该裁决提起上诉。



联合国人权理事会针对今年以色列在加沙地区的袭击发表报告,指责以色列和哈马斯双方犯有战争罪。该报告敦促双方进行可靠的调查,并暗示,如果他们不进行调查,将被提交至国际刑事法庭。我们的国务院记者Kim Ghattas称,理事会的投票将使美国重新发起中东和平谈判的努力更加复杂。

奥巴马政府推动中东和平的努力似乎处于崩溃的边缘。以色列人宣称,如果他们不能保卫自己的安全,他们不会冒险寻求和平。国务院发言人Ian Kelly表示,奥巴马政府仍然集中于试图使以色列人和巴勒斯坦人重回谈判桌。但是几天前,来自总统阿巴斯领导的法塔赫领袖称,他们已经对美国政府失去希望。中东和平的前景依然非常暗淡。

津巴布韦总理茨万吉拉伊的民主变革联盟高级官员被假释。Roy Bennett以私藏武器和恐怖主义袭击罪名被逮捕之后在监狱度过了两天时间。尽管已被释放,茨万吉拉伊的发言人称,民主变革同盟仍然会继续抵制联合政府。

联合国驻刚果民主共和国高级官员Allen Darse谴责前反叛分子当地组织四月份在该国东部实施大屠杀。但是Darse敦促安理会继续支持联合国支持的刚果军事行动,尽管有批评称,该军队为一些列践踏人权事件负责。联合国特别记录员Phillip Alston曾谴责这些联合军事行动非常悲惨。他说,这使得联合国维和任务MONUC成为冲突的一方。


在周五的祈祷中,伊拉克北部逊尼派清真寺发生自杀式炸弹爆炸,造成至少15人死亡,90多人受伤。警方称,爆炸者首先击中清真寺教长和其他礼拜者,随后引爆爆炸背心。官员称,此次爆炸的目标可能是逊尼派教长,因为他以前曾公开表示反对基地组织。爆炸发生在尼尼微省的Tal Afar,这里被视为反叛活动的最后一座重要堡垒。

自伊拉克冲突以来,英国政府特许的首架用于驱逐伊拉克寻求收容未遂者的飞机返回,而大部分被遣返的人仍然在飞机上。那些返回的人现在被安置在移民中心。Sarah Rainsford报道更相信信息。



