英国新闻听力 巴西增派警力平息贫民窟冲突(在线收听

President Obama’s most senior aide has warned there will be no decision on more troops for Afghanistan until there’s a credible government in Kabul. In a CNN interview, the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said it will be reckless to decide before Mr. Obama was satisfied that there was an Afghan government that could work effectively with the United States. Mr. Emanuel said a credible outcome to Afghanistan's disputed presidential election was vital.

"What President Karzai must do, you know, the process there, is a credible and legitimate election or result, more importantly, for the Afghan people and for that government going forward. Whether that's through a run-off, whether that's through negotiations, the process will be determined by the Afghan people. The result for us and for the president is whether, in fact, there is a credible government and a legitimate process, the Afghan people then think, this has worked, it’s processed through."

As fighting continues in the Pakistani army’s offensive against al-Qaeda and Taliban strongholds in South Waziristan, there are conflicting reports of casualties. Each side is saying the other has suffered heavy losses. Shoaid Pasan reports from Pakistan.

Fierce fighting is continuing as Taliban militants stand firm against the security forces in South Waziristan. A Taliban spokesman told the BBC that the militants had not conceded one inch of territory to the army. He also said dozens of soldiers have been killed while the militants have suffered few casualties. The army denies this and says scores of militants have been killed. Locals say both sides are not coming clean with the numbers.

Iran says five commanders of the Revolutionary Guards as well as senior tribal leaders were among around 30 people killed in an attack in the country’s southeast. Iranian state media said suicide bombers targeted a meeting between the Guards and tribal leaders in the province of Sistan-Baluchestan bordering Pakistan. Iran says a Sunni militant group Jundullah claimed responsibility for the attack. In the Iranian parliament, the speaker Ali Larijani condemned the bombing.

Those dear people were working hard to restore security in Sistan-Baluchestan, and such behaviour is aimed at preventing economic progress there. The Revolutionary Guards will definitely redouble their efforts in order to restore security and ensure the province’s progress.

A sheriff in the American state of Colorado has said the authorities are now convinced that the case of a 6-year-old boy whose parents reported that he was adrift in a hot-air balloon was a hoax. The sheriff, Jim Alderden, said the family was hoping to use the incident to obtain a lucrative contract for a reality television show. He said the police were considering bringing charges against the boy’s parents.

Police in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro have deployed an additional 3,500 troops to quell two days of violence in a hillside shanty town dominated by drugs gangs. On Saturday, a police helicopter made an emergency landing after being hit by gunfire during a firefight between rival gangs. During a police raid early on Sunday, officers say they shot dead two suspected drugs traffickers and arrested four others.

12 teenage boys are burned to death in northern Nigeria after their speeding cars hit petrol cans piled up by the side of the road. The seller of the black-market fuel was also killed. The accident happened in the northern city of Kano late on / Saturday night. An eyewitness told the BBC two cars had been racing bumper-to-bumper when they collided with each other and crashed into cans and burst into flames.

Iceland has agreed to repay Britain and the Netherlands more than 5.5 billion dollars they paid to compensate savers who lost money when the Icesave bank collapsed last year. Iceland had passed a law in August to repay the money but the Netherlands and Britain rejected the deal. The failure to agree has blocked Iceland from getting access to billions of dollars in aid from the IMF.

The British driver Jenson Button has won the 2009 Formula 1 title. He came 5th in the Brazilian Grand Prix, and that gave him enough points for the championship title. The race was won by the Australian driver Mark Webber. Gary Duffy reports

Jenson Button has started 14th on the grade after a disappointing qualifying run. But when the day was over he was world champion. By contrast, the Brazilian driver Rubens Barrichello had started the race in poor position but finished in the disappointing 8th place. There was an element of luck and a lot of skill involved in Button’s victory. An early collision between two other drivers are lightened to move quickly up the field while a punctured tire helped to thwart the hopes of Rubens Barrichello.

奥巴马总统最高级助手警告称,在喀布尔诞生可靠的政府之前,不会决定向阿富汗增派更多军队。在CNN的采访中,白宫办公厅主任拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)表示,在阿富汗诞生能够与美国有效合作的政府之前,在奥巴马总统满意之前做出任何决定都是鲁莽的。 拉姆·伊曼纽尔称,阿富汗有争议的总统选举能够出台可靠的结果是至关重要的。


随着巴基斯坦军队对南瓦齐里斯坦地区基地组织和塔利班分子堡垒的攻击继续进行,双方对伤亡数字的报道出现冲突。双方均称对方的损失更为惨重。Shoaid Pasan在巴基斯坦报道。


伊朗称,在该国东南部的袭击中大约30人死亡,其中包括5名革命卫队指挥官以及高级部落首领。伊朗国家电视台称,自杀式爆炸者的目标是巴基斯坦交界处希斯坦—巴鲁车斯坦省(Sistan-Baluchestan)举行会议的革命卫队和部落首领。伊朗方面表示,逊尼派好战组织真主军(Jundullah)为此次袭击负责。伊朗议会发言人拉里贾尼(Ali Larijani)对爆炸事件进行了谴责。


美国科罗拉多州一名警长表示,官方现已确信,6岁小男孩随热气球升空事件是一场骗局。警长吉姆·阿尔德登(Jim Alderden)表示,这个家庭希望利用该事件获得诱人的电视真人秀的合约。他表示,警方现在正考虑对小男孩的父母提起控告。




英国赛车手Jenson Button赢得了2009年的F1冠军头衔。他在F1方程式大奖赛巴西站比赛中排在第五名,有足够分数来角逐冠军宝座。赢得巴西站冠军的是澳大利亚车手Mark Webber。Gary Duffy报道。

在令人失望的资格赛角逐中,Jenson Button的分数排在第14位。但是一天结束之后,他就晋升为世界冠军。相反,巴西选手Rubens Barrichello开始比赛时形势非常不利,后来令人失望得获得第八位。Button的胜利包含技术因素,也包含运气因素在内。此前两名车手之间的碰撞使Rubens Barrichello能够更快地前进,而轮胎刺穿则阻碍了他成功的希望。
